Fra Antonino Pisano
As members of the Roman Province, we promote the cause of Antonino Pisano, a young Mercedarian who died in the odor of sanctity.
Fra Antonino was born in Cagliari, Sardinia, on March 19, 1907. On January 20, 1922, he was admitted into the Mercedarian convent in Bonaria as an aspirant to the religious life. On March 5, 1922, he received the Mercedarian habit and began his Novitiate. On September 8, 1923, he made his profession of simple vows, and on August 6, 1927 he died peacefully, surrounded by the loving affection of his family and of the religious. His mortal remains rest at the feet of Our Lady of Bonaria. Since his death, many people have stated that they have received graces through the intercession of Fra Antonino Pisano. In 1945, the diocesan process for his beatification was started. This process concluded in 1957, and, since then, his cause has continued in Rome.
Fra Antonino, who was very devoted to Our Lady of Bonaria and to our Eucharistic Lord, in the ardor of his youth wished to offer his life to the Lord for the conversion of sinners. This offering, incomprehensible from a human perspective but not to the eyes of faith, was accepted by God; and, from the first days of May, 1926 a serious illness prostrated him and in the following year, carried him to his tomb.

At the beginning of his novitiate he wrote: With the Lord's grace and with the help of our Most Holy Mother of Mercy, I will refrain from every voluntary sin or conscious failing. But if I have the misfortune to commit one, through weakness or carelessness, I will not be discouraged, but after having repented and humbly asked forgiveness, with the grace of God and with diligence and fervor I will endeavor from then on to fulfill my duties better and to serve the Lord more faithfully.
In the few years of his life he set an example and was a model of virtue and piety, admired by his fellow students and superiors. And during the time of his illness, he demonstrated how deeply rooted his faith and confidence in the Lord were. He bore his illness patiently and cheerfully, without complaints.

Prayer for the Beatification
of Fra Antonino Pisano, O. de M.
O most glorious Virgin of Bonaria, who drew the angelic teenager Br. Antonino Pisano to your sanctuary and filled him with all the graces necessary for him to be a model for the youth, who are so threatened in our time. Grant that we may imitate his virtues and, if it please the Divine Master, may we obtain the grace of seeing him glorified in the Church so that he may be invoked with greater confidence. Amen.
To report any favors received through the intercession of Fra Antonino Pisana, please contact: segreteria@mercedari.it