Wh​at is spirituality? In our times, spirituality is falsely mistaken as a substitute for religion. However, nothing could be further from the truth! True spirituality is how we, as Catholics, live out our baptismal consecration through both prayer and action. In the religious life, this takes on an added element--that of our total consecration to God through the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. For the Mercedarian, however, seeking out the perfection of charity goes further... our spirituality is enlivened by our Fourth Vow. Therefore, in all that we do--prayer, work, rest, exercise, or study--we do it all for the captives.
Thus, it is no accident that the elements of our Mercedarian spirituality can be envisioned as the very same emblem which each friar proudly wears upon his habit. These elements form the basis of our approach to love of God and our neighbor as St. Peter Nolasco, our Father and Founder did, over 800 years ago!
The elements that distinguish our particular spirituality from other religious orders and congregations are:
Redemptive Charity, or, rather love to the point of heroism;
Imitation of Christ the Redeemer;
Filial love and devotion to our Blessed Mother;
Mercy; and,
Prayer and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist;