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Mercedarian Family in U.S. Celebrates Closing of Jubilee

Cleveland, OH.

This evening, the Mercedarian Friars of the U.S. Vicariate, joined by various members of the extended Mercedarian family celebrated the end of a joyful amd grace-filled jubilee which celebrated 800 years of foundation.

The Mass, hosted by the Mercedarian Parish of St. Rocco in Cleveland, OH, was presided over by His Eminence Justin Cardinal Rigali, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, with His Excellency, Bishop Nelson Perez, and other bishops and priests concelebrating.

Following the Mass, the friars hosted a dinner reception for friends, family, and benefactors of the Order at Windows on the River.

We rejoice at the celebration of this event and pray for God's blessing upon us for another 800 years!


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Mercedarian Friars

6398 Drexel Road

Philadelphia, PA 19151


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