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Vocations FAQ

How do I inquire about attending a Come and See weekend?

The first thing to do is to call or email one of the friars in the Vocations Office.  He will speak with you about the Come and See and get to know you a little so that he will know if the experience will best meet your discernment needs. You may also fill out the form on our website. 

What will I do on a Come and See weekend?

The Come and See weekends are two-fold: giving you the opportunity to discern whether you feel you have a call to religious life and then to feel more specifically how religious life is lived as a Mercedarian Friar. During these weekends, there is time for both private and communal prayer, recreation and meals in common with the friars, and the opportunity to meet and interact with our friars in formation.

What is the age range of those who are able to come to the Come and See weekends?

Ordinarily, those who attend are between the ages of 18-35. 

What do I need  to bring with me on a Come and See weekend?

You, your personal items, comfortable clothes, something more appropriate for Sunday Mass... and an open heart.

We provide the sheets, towels and the meals.  Let us know ahead of time of any special dietary restrictions.

How does a person know that he has been called to the religious life?

Here are some thoughts that the friars and discerners have shared with us:

  • I just keep having this feeling that I should see what religious life is all about.

  • I have a desire to serve Christ and his Church in a more radical and profound manner, but not sure where I should begin.

  • Even though I have thought about being a husband and a father, the thought of being a priest or a brother seems stands out in my mind more and more.

  • Even though I have a successful career and everything is going well, there seems to be something missing in my life.

  • The friars seem so joyful.  I want to share in that joy!

  • My Google search history is pretty much about vocations to the religious life.

  • Most of my connections on social media are church related.

  • I have a great desire to lay down my life for the sake of the persecuted and the oppressed.

  • I am inspired to see the friars working, praying, and living together in common.

These are just a sampling of thoughts that can go through a discerner's mind and heart.  Perhaps, they may be a sign that God is calling you to give the more, do the more, and live the more. And, perhaps, a Come and See will help you discover what that "more" is.

What are some things I can do to help me better discern God's call?

  • Speak to a regular spiritual director.

  • Make time for prayer each day.

  • Attend Mass, daily if possible

  • Make frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament and attend Eucharistic adoration whenever possible.

  • Make time for Lectio Divina or spiritual reading each day or week.

  • Journal.

  • Listen to music that will inspire and encourage you in your spiritual growth.

  • Reach out and get to know the friars in your area.

  • Attend a Come and See weekend and/or a discernment retreat.

  • Ask God about his plans for your life... and then, just listen.

  • Be open to all possibilities and visit various communities.

  • Contact our Vocation Directors.

What are the requirements needed to be accepted by the Mercedarian Friars?

Our vocation discernment program is open to men who are:

  • between the ages of 18-35 (exceptions can be made for older men depending on skills and experience);

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be open to further education (at least two years of college or work experience is also recommended);

  • be free of major debt;

  • be single and free from impediments (any previous marriage must be annulled, you have no dependent children, etc.);

  • be living a virtuous, Christian life, free from scandal;

  • possess a disciplined and sound prayer life, accompanied by a desire to serve Christ and his Church following our charism of ransom; 

  • possess good physical health along with appropriate 
    psychological and emotional maturity; and, 

  • must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident prior to submitting application to us.

  • One must also be able to make three visits a Mercedarian community prior to asking for application.  

  • Recent converts to Catholicism must wait for two years before making application. 

Mercedarian Friars

6398 Drexel Road

Philadelphia, PA 19151




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